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Direct Hits Us History Pdf

  1. Direct Hits Us History Pdf Lesson Plans
  2. Direct Hits Us History Pdf Online
  3. Direct Hits Us History Pdf Download
  4. Direct Hits Us History Pdf 2017
  5. Direct Hits Us History Pdf Worksheets
Direct Hits Us History Pdf
  1. Direct Hits doesn't think so. Research has shown that a powerful and vibrant vocabulary has a high correlation with success in school, business, the professions, AND standardized tests, including the PSAT, SAT, and AP exams. Direct Hits Core Vocabulary offers a different approach. This book includes the following features.
  2. The country has seen that economics will definitely drive the United States to make difficult. The munition hit the small building, killing all the insurgents inside. The MZ-1 weaponized stratospheric airship had scored another direct hit. The history of aircraft use in warfare has shown a consistent evolution of new technology.

US History in a Flash is the definitive prep book for both the AP US History exam and the SAT II US History subject test. The book is based upon a bold new approach. Instead of trying to be a mini-textbook that covers everything, US History in a Flash uses the Direct Hits selective approach of only focusing on topics that have generated.

Direct Hits Publishing

We publish books that engage students, not bore them.

The Direct Hits Vocabulary Series is written as a spiral vocabulary curriculum for students beginning in middle school. All three books present vocabulary in context with vivid, relevant examples that students will retain. Developed and in publication for the last eight years, our books feature specifically chosen words that are needed for success in the classroom and for standardized tests from middle school through college.

Direct hits us history pdf download

More information on the individual books is below. The series is available for purchase online (Amazon, Barnes & Noble) and in stores across the country. You can also purchase the books directly and inquire about bulk orders below.


Direct Hits Essential Vocabulary

Direct Hits Essential Vocabulary targets middle school and early high school learners.

The book focuses on words students need to know as part of the Common Core curriculum as well as words frequently found on standardized tests like the SSAT and PSAT. The following features are included in the book:

  • Selective vocabulary found in the Common Core academic language curriculum for grades 6-9
  • High frequency vocabulary found on the recent SSATs and PSATs
  • More than 250 words used in context. No more memorizing definitions of long lists of seemingly unrelated words
  • Relevant and vivid examples from literature, history, current events, and pop culture make the words memorable for students
  • Prefix, root, suffix, and pro-tip boxes are found throughout the book

Each chapter ends with a review exercise, and chapters include Essential 25 Greatest Hits, Literary Language, All About Adjectives, Celebrity Sightings, and Words That Count. Abaqus 2019 download.

Direct Hits Core Vocabulary

Direct Hits Core Vocabulary focuses on high school vocabulary found in the classroom and on a variety of standardized tests.

Direct Hits Us History Pdf Lesson Plans

Does developing a high-level vocabulary need to be a tedious, frustrating task? Direct Hits doesn't think so. Research has shown that a powerful and vibrant vocabulary has a high correlation with success in school, business, the professions, AND standardized tests, including the PSAT, SAT, and AP exams. Direct Hits Core Vocabulary offers a different approach. This book includes the following features:

  • Selective vocabulary found on recent PSATs, ACTs, and SATs used in context. No more memorizing the definitions of long lists of seemingly random words in a vacuum
  • Relevant, vivid, and memorable examples from literature, historic events, contemporary issues, and pop culture
  • A Fast Review for each chapter, with quick definitions
Direct Hits Us History Pdf

Formatted as a 6' by 9' paperback book, teens are comfortable carrying the Direct Hits Core Vocabulary book with them to study another word or two when time permits. Building on the success of previous five editions, the authors of Direct Hits Core Vocabulary - 6th Edition consulted secondary school teachers, tutors, parents, and students from around the world to ensure that these words and illustrations are on target for students.

Direct Hits Advanced Vocabulary

Direct Hits Us History Pdf Online

Direct Hits Advanced Vocabulary prepares students for high-level words found on the ACT, SAT, Advanced Placement Exams, GMAT, and more.

Words are our tools for learning and communicating. A proficient and robust vocabulary is critical to success in school, business, the professions, AND standardized tests such as the AP Exams, ACT, SAT, and GMAT. Even the most dedicated students dread memorizing long lists of seemingly random words. Direct Hits Advanced Vocabulary offers an approach that places the words in a context students can easily understand and remember.

The books include the following features:

  • More than 200 of the most challenging words found on standardized tests, not a phonebook-size list of words that are rarely, if ever, used in essays or on tests
  • Relevant, vivid, and memorable examples from popular movies, television, literature, music, historical events, and recent headlines
  • A Fast Review with quick definitions

Direct Hits Us History Pdf Download

Formatted as a 6' by 9' paperback book, teens are comfortable carrying the Direct Hits Toughest Vocabulary book with them to study another word or two when time permits. Building on the success of previous editions, the authors of Direct Hits Advanced Vocabulary consulted secondary school teachers, tutors, parents, and students from around the world to ensure that these words and illustrations are right on target for students.

Direct Hits Us History Pdf 2017

SAMPLEDIRECT HITSUS History in a Flashfor the AP and SAT IIBy Larry KriegerEdited by Ted Griffi thSample EditionSAMPLECopyright ? 2011 by Direct Hits PublishingAll Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form orby any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage andretrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, exceptby a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.For more information, please contact us by mail:Direct Hits Publishing2639 Arden Rd., Atlanta GA 30327[email protected]Or visit our website:www.DirectHitsPublishing.comFirst Edition: February 2011ISBN 13: 978-1-936551-04-0Edited by Ted Gri? thCover Design by Carlo da Silva

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Direct Hits Us History Pdf Worksheets

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